TIP: Try if you can to do your make-up in natural light, that way you won't be fooled by the fluorescent lighting of your bathroom into thinking your make-up is darker or lighter than it actually is.
Natural Light:
Indoors with Flash:
Products (in order of application):
Too Face Shadow Insurance applied with ring finge
Crease: MAC Trax e/s using MAC 224 brush
All over lid: MAC Threesome trio- middle stripe e/s using MAC 242 brush (spritzed with MAC Fix+ spray)
Out V and crease: MAC Threesome trio- left stripe e/s (burgundy) using MUG Deluxe Outer V Brush
Highlight: MAC Naked Lunch e/s with MAC 224 brush
Bottom lash and waterline liner: MAC Greasepaint in French Quarter [from the MAC Venomous Villains Dr. Facilier collection] (coincidently as I was applying it my iPod randomly shuffled to two songs from the Princess and the Frog soundtrack :) )
Upper waterline: Buxom Insider Eyeliner in Onyx
Upper lash line liner: MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack using Sephora Collection Eyeliner Brush #17
MAC Carbon e/s over Blacktrack to darken liner
Buxom lash mascara
(Note: I try to avoid using liquid foundations)
Under eye concealer: MAC Studio Fix Concealer in NW25 using Bare Escentuals Flawless Face Brush
All over face: MAC Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation in NC25 using Bare Escentuals kabuki brush
Contour: Urban Decay Baked Bronzer in Baked (I couldn't find it on Sephora's website :( )
Cheeks: MAC Blush in Trace Gold using MAC 129 Brush
Highlight: MAC Strobe Cream
Body Shop Hi-Shine Lip Treatment in Bronze Beam (smells like fresh passion fruit!)
I hope you like it!